Singing Waters to be released on April 5th!

My first collection of haiku poetry (for grown-ups) titled Singing Waters, A Selection of Haiku, Senryu and Haibun will be officially released on April 5th! Published by buddha baby press, an imprint of bottle rockets press., Singing Waters is a collection of over one hundred of my previously published haiku in one volume. The book is divided into water chapters to evoke a mood even though fews poems are about water.

I will be signing the books at Blue Cypress Books on Saturday, April 16, 2022 from 5:00-6:30 PM, and would love to see you there. Not in town on that date? No problem. You can preorder your copies right here, and the books will be shipped on April 1st.

Haiku is a short, unrhymed, one breath poem of Japanese origin consisting of 17 syllables or fewer, written in three lines or fewer, with two concrete images separated by a pause in juxtaposition relating nature to human nature. Senryu are similar to haiku except that it deals with primarily with human nature and human foibles. Haibun combines short prose with haiku.

I hope you enjoy the singing waters!